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Yonex Nanoray Glanz Review

Yonex Nanoray Glanz Review

The Yonex Nanoray Glanz is a user friendly racket and is quite forgiving. It has a wider racket head frame that enlarges the sweet spot giving the shot a more accurate area and makes the shuttle fly a further distance even with minimal input of power. This racket is designed to help compensate for the weaker pronation and supination seen in mid-level players.  As a result, clears, smashes, and backhand shots will be greatly improved.  The only downside to this racket is the suggested max string tension of 22lbs which is a bit low and the high price tag of the racket. Other than that, the racket overall is easy to use and feels sturdy.

Power: 8/10
Speed: 10/10
Control: 9/10
Touch: 9/10
User-Friendliness: 10/10







HM Graphite/Rexil Fiber


Rexil Fiber, Nanometric, X-fullerene




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